How does C.E.T. work?
Our C.E.T. Day Formula will suppress your appetite and food cravings by tricking your mind into thinking that you are either full or not hungry at all. Meanwhile, your appetite will decrease as the levels of serotonin or catecholamine decreases in your body. These two chemicals are found in the brain and affect both your mood and appetite. Essentially, as you consume food and begin to feel full, the hypothalamus section of your brain senses a glucose sugar response. This response tells your brain that since your glucose (sugar) levels are higher, you no longer need to eat and so you therefore, feel full. With this benefit, you can enjoy smaller food portions and a daily lifestyle free of food addictions or cravings without any risks to your health! Our Day Formula will also help you naturally maintain your energy level. It will preventexcess calories from being stored in your body as fat by speeding up your metabolism. (NOTE: Once your metabolism speeds up, you must so some type of exercise daily for at least 10-15 minutes; house chores, or anything in addition to your daily routine.) Our Day Formula also regulates the bowels with most people but won't cause diarrhea. In addition to all of that, it rids your body of excess fluid and cellulite. Our Day Formula packs a mean punch but the excitement doesn't stop there.
We want you to loose weight 24-7. So, we created a Night Formula to trim you down while you sleep.